19 Sep

How to Serve Steak for Breakfast

By Kansas City Steak Company Tags : breakfast,  recipes,  steak 

Whether you prefer to grill or perfectly pan fry it, there’s no bad time to plate a great steak. From rich, marbled ribeyes to juicy, tender filet mignon, we think steak is always the best choice….and when it comes to breakfast recipes for steak, creativity is king! Step away from the cereal box and look no further! From steak and eggs to burritos and more, we’re serving up an expertly curated list of breakfast ideas for everyone with How to Serve Steak for Breakfast!

Stack a Great Sandwich

Breakfast sandwiches have long been a morning favorite, and we see no reason to break that tradition! The key ingredients to a stellar breakfast sandwich include your bread of choice, meat, egg, and cheese or other fresh toppings. Most breakfast sandwiches are crafted with either a bagel, toast or a croissant, and the egg is typically either fried or sunny side up. Additional toppings can include avocado, onion, tomato, fresh herbs, or even hollandaise sauce. Try any one of these breakfast recipes and enjoy a steak sandwich that’s sure to start your day off on the right foot!

Whip up a Nourishing Wrap

Who doesn’t love a delicious breakfast wrap? Warm, soft tortillas are the anchor point for any good wrap, but the filling is limited only by your imagination! Breakfast recipes for wraps and breakfast burritos vary across the globe, but we’ve curated a few of our favorite breakfast ideas for steak wraps for you here:

Build a Flavorful Bowl

Forget oatmeal, let’s fill that bowl with something a little heartier! Start your breakfast bowls off with fluffy scrambled egg, then add your protein and cheese of choice, and top all the delicious additions your heart desires. Choose one of our favorites from the curated list below, and get ready for a steak and eggs breakfast that will change your life.

Prep and Plate

If there’s anything we know about steak, it’s that when it comes to steaks, simple really is best. Juicy steak, cooked to the perfect temperature and served with your favorite egg, fruit and a piping hot mug of coffee…now that sounds like a breakfast we can endorse. Not sure how you’d like your steak for breakfast? Try one of these breakfast ideas.

What’s your favorite way to serve steak for breakfast? Tell us in the comments below!