27 Sep

Kansas City Steak Standard 4 of 7: The Importance of Color

By Kansas City Steak Company

They say you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.

It’s true in relationships, it’s also true in how you judge the steaks you purchase. A great look makes a great first impression.

But don’t be fooled. Big box stores have a tendency to use products and packaging designed at enhancing color, often at the expense of the steak itself.

Extra wrapping, artificial injections and special lighting are a few of the tricks used to have you believe you’re purchasing high-quality meat.

By itself, a great steak begins with a specific color.

As specified by the USDA’s grading system, it’s not dark, it’s not brown. It’s a deep, consistent cherry red.


If you walk into a local butcher shop, you’ll see a lot of bright red, cherry colored steak. These steaks are terrific.

But in our not-so-humble opinion, this is only the halfway point to a perfectly colored steak. To maximize the color of a beautiful steak, we believe wet-aging is the finishing touch. It slightly darkens the color and enhances the flavor.

All of our steaks that make it to your freezer begin with this initial color review and aging process. You’ll never get an oxidized, brown steak from us.

We will specifically discuss our wet-aging process in greater detail in a later post.

But for now, keep your eye out for the ways you’re being sold less than ideal meat. A beautiful steak stands out perfectly fine on its own.
