08 Mar

Time to Prep for Prime Grilling Season

By Kansas City Steak Company

Ready or not, the infamous Midwest March of 70-degree days followed by forecasts of oncoming snow is upon us.

And, if you’re a fair-weather griller, you should be ironing your best T-shirt or top in salivary expectation.

The sporadic summer-like days peppered across March and into April are a long-awaited hiatus from winter. But don’t miss out on the prime grill days ahead because you weren’t prepared.

It’s time for the annual grill and goods check.

Our list below will help you answer two simple questions:

  1. Is the grill ready?
  2. Do you have what you need to make backyard meat magic?

So, here it is, five things to check as you prep:

1. A Working Grill

No grill, no glory. Give your grill a visual inspection.  Look for rust, cobwebs or anything else that has found its way into the grill.  If propane, inspect the heat plates and replace if necessary then go ahead and fire up the grill as a test (Note: check that you have matches as a backup to a faulty igniter).   Also, if your grill’s grill is black and crusty, it’s time give that bad boy a cleaning.  If the entire grill is more rust than grill, it might be time to look for a replacement.

2. Charcoal and Lighter Fluid/or Propane

Don’t make a rookie mistake.  Check your propane and charcoal now. For propane, we always recommend having a full spare to change out.  There is nothing worse than losing heat in the middle of a cookout. Except, maybe, never having a cookout.

3. Grilling Utensils

It’s not uncommon to lose grilling utensils during the winter, most likely while trying to make room for last year’s Christmas yard decorations.  Make sure you have what you need, and that it’s all in working order.

4. Sauces and Salts

Time to check your sauce and salts rations.  First, you want to see what you still have.  Second, toss anything that’s been in the cupboard for too long. Dry herbs are only fresh for about a year. Whole and ground spices can last 2 to 4 years.

On the barbecue and steak sauce front, if you haven’t spent all winter picking up the barbecue and steak sauces you plan on trying this season, go ahead and spend a few of the colder days of March on sauce expeditions at your local grocer or specialty store.

We also have a few seasonings and sauce options.

5. Steaks, Burgers and Beverages

Let’s be honest, sometimes there’s no time to plan. Our recommendation, have everything you need for an impromptu grilling ready to go. Being able to move a few Filet Mignon from the freezer to the fridge before going to bed on Friday or Saturday can be the difference between missing out or grill-out glory.

Happy spring grilling!